About the Project

In 2024 we are asking people to pray that the Lord would call missionaries for Albania, so that ReachAcross can begin building a team there and later, expand to other Muslim-majority countries in the Balkans.  Our missionaries will be placed within existing evangelical churches which are reaching out to Muslims and proclaiming the gospel where it is not yet known. Our goal for 2024 is to find those who can take on the initial leadership/coordination of the team as it grows and develops.  We also hope to place several young adults for 1 – 3 years’ service in Albania, as well as any who come longer term.  In addition, we are planning another short ‘vision and mission’ trip in September 2024 – an opportunity for Christians who are considering mission service in the Balkans to come with us to visit evangelical churches and associated ministries in Albania, as well as taking part in local outreach among Muslims.

Establishing relationships with churches and ministries in Albania, taking short-term teams, and recruiting missionaries for long-term service all requires funding.  If you give towards this project, you will be helping ReachAcross develop and establish a team of missionaries in Albania and later into the Balkans.  There are literally hundreds of villages and small towns with no churches or Christian witness.  We have a vision to serve existing local evangelical churches in reaching out to the Muslims of Albania, taking the gospel where it has not yet been proclaimed.  Will you help us accomplish our vision for Albania and the Balkans?

The target amount on this fundraising page is for total funds we seek to raise by 31st March 2025. If this project becomes fully funded ReachAcross will use the donations raised where needed most. If for any reason this project fails, ceases to operate, or in any other way is curtailed, ReachAcross reserves the right to use any funds raised on similar projects or where needed most. Donating with Stewardship Fundraising is easy and secure. If you are a UK taxpayer, please confirm that you would like to reclaim Gift Aid on your donation. This will add 25p to every £1 you give. Important: When using this donate button which links to our fundraising pages, if you are leaving any comments, then for the safety of our mission workers and their contacts, please do not mention the names or locations. Thank you.