Our Mission Workers

Our mission workers, whether serving overseas, in UK cities or in the National Office, all share a passion to help Muslims follow Jesus, and to serve them in practical ways. Our mission workers overseas live sacrificially, with modest income, often in harsh climates, and with all the challenges of living across cultures, including learning local languages. Their income is totally reliant on donations from individuals and churches. It can be challenging to raise enough to supply all that is needed to keep serving in the mission fields. It is a huge blessing when donations are received towards their support, and is a true ‘partnering in the gospel’ between those who ‘go’ and those who support them.

Would you please prayerfully consider supporting our mission workers?

Ministries of our mission workers are described below. 

Take a look at ReachAcross’ mission preparation programme and support services.

Speak to someone in ReachAcross about how we can support your vision and passion

Patrick, South Asia

“My short-term service has been a further confirmation of my long-term passion to be a missionary to the unreached Muslim world in the future”

Jamie, East Africa

“In these times it is even easier for everyone to engage in the great commission and help isolated Muslims follow Jesus. Glory to God who put us here for such a time as this!”

Marlene, UK

“I am really grateful for the friendships I have with women, children and families from many countries. The greatest honour though is not just knowing them but actually being reminded that they see me as part of their families”