How do I join ReachAcross?

ReachAcross is a small but growing team of dedicated men and women and their families, currently serving in at least 16 countries across the world.  Our short term and midterm mission workers tend to be young adults, often straight from college, while our longer term mission workers tend to be in their late 20’s, 30’s or 40’s.  To serve with our mission you have to be 18 years old or over.

Speak to us or email us about whether ReachAcross is the right mission agency for you!

Send me an Application Form!


Before joining any mission agency, it is wise to check that it would be a good fit for you. Here are a few things you should check out:

Your fit with the mission agency
  • Statement of faith: do you agree with it?
  • Vision, mission, and values: are these aligned to yours?
  • Do they have expertise in the area in which you plan to serve?
  • How do they prepare you?
  • How will they work together with your church?
  • How will they assist you in understanding cross-cultural dynamics?
  • How will they help you develop a support team?
  • What is their financial policy?
How the mission agency gives you ongoing support
  • How do they look after you (provide member care)?
  • Do they have regular debriefings?
  • What is their security policy?
  • What in-service training do they offer?
  • How do they assist your assignments when back in your home country?
  • How will they facilitate your final re-entry?
  • How do they deal with medical and other emergencies?
  • For long term missionaries, how do they help with retirement planning?
Mission Leadership
  • Is the mission agency led by an individual or a leadership team?
  • How are leaders chosen?
  • How do you communicate with the leadership?
  • How much freedom does the mission agency give you as a member?
  • How does the mission agency give you a voice?
  • Is there accountability as well as flexibility?
Management and Administration
  • Will the mission agency help you raise support?
  • How will your financial support be processed?
  • Will you get monthly support reports?
  • Will you have a personal contact in the UK who can help you with any administration?
  • How do they provide secure communication channels?
  • Can you get help with your prayer letters?
A large or small mission agency?

Smaller agencies:

  • Tend to have a family-feel about them, where everyone knows each other
  • May often be flexible and adaptive
  • May have less resources and personnel

Larger agencies:

  • You can’t know everyone, but can know your local team
  • May be rigid and slow to adapt
  • May provide stronger organisational support
  • May feel bureaucratic and impersonal
  • May be resource and personnel rich

*Please note these are only generalisations.

Take a look at ReachAcross’ mission preparation programme and support services.

Speak to someone in ReachAcross about how we can support your vision and passion

Patrick, South Asia

“My short-term service has been a further confirmation of my long-term passion to be a missionary to the unreached Muslim world in the future”

Jamie, East Africa

“In these times it is even easier for everyone to engage in the great commission and help isolated Muslims follow Jesus. Glory to God who put us here for such a time as this!”

Marlene, UK

“I am really grateful for the friendships I have with women, children and families from many countries. The greatest honour though is not just knowing them but actually being reminded that they see me as part of their families”