Whatever your ministry focus is, ReachAcross will try to place you where your gifting is best utilised. Please contact us for details using the button below.
Serve as an administrator for an NGO.
Manage an agricultural project, (reforestation, saline agriculture, medical plants) or manage a project.
Assist clients in self-sustaining small businesses, to enable the community to flourish.
Teach English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) to get alongside young people and use opportunities to share the Gospel.
Teach in Bible Colleges and in local church groups.
Promote literacy among a tribal group to enable them to read scripture.
Use your experience as a vocational training teacher to teach in an institute or church project.
Travel to encourage scattered believers. Assist them with bringing the Gospel to their own communities.
Work from a church base and capitalise on good community relations to share the Gospel.
Assist with the organisation and running of children’s camps with opportunities to give valuable biblical input to young people.
Use your experience in Discipleship Making Movements to engage with refugees, medical tourists and the local community.
Provide sports coaching to young people with opportunities to teach them life skills.
Provide pastoral care to short-termers and arrange vision trips in country.
Become a university outreach worker and connect with local and international students.
Become a guest house host and use your gifts of hospitality and encouragement to encourage workers and others that visit.
As a literature or media Producer and Manager, produce and sell multi-lingual literature in different locations. Order and keep track of book stocks and produce other audio/visual media.
Work among refugees and internally-displaced people as a relief worker.
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