Short Term Overseas

We have short term programmes of 2 weeks to 2 years in any of the countries listed below. You will shadow our workers to get a taste for hands-on ministry; be involved in daily prayer and fellowship times; help with English lessons;  or initiate appropriate ministry through sport, literacy, activities with children and teenagers etc. There will also be an opportunity to begin language study.



The Balkans

ReachAcross is pioneering new ministry in the Balkans. Several countries in this region are majority Muslim. Our workers are partnering with local churches in ministries including medical work, visiting in the community, evangelism and teaching.

North East Africa

There are  many opportunities in a city context to help with English lessons or initiate appropriate ministry through sport, literacy and activities with children and teenagers as a youth worker. There will also be an opportunity to begin language study.

Dates are flexible.

GCSE French or higher qualification required.

Northern Red Sea

You will learn basic Arabic and develop cross-cultural skills by engaging with local communities and building new relationships. You will learn to be light, salt and a witness for Christ in every situation.

A country in the Sahel

Learn language and culture. Help with literacy and translation projects, evangelism and church planting. Get involved hands-on in a building material construction project.

A country in North West Africa

Opportunities to help run a holiday club, assist in English teaching, (TEFL), shadow workers in developing and running business ventures, etc.