(Short term is less than 2 years)

ReachAcross has been reaching out to Muslims in the UK for many decades.

Our team members in the Midlands serve with a wealth of experience in ministry both in the Middle East and in a predominantly Muslim city in the UK.

A short term placement in the UK of 2 weeks to 2 years helps to equip workers with a growing understanding of Islamic culture, belief and practice, while giving opportunity to meet and get to know Muslims in their UK context. With a steadily growing and diverse Muslim population in the UK, the opportunities for sharing our Christian faith are endless.

Most of our mission members join in with church-based projects that promote cross-cultural engagement and creatively share of the gospel with Muslims while building bridges of friendship and mutual respect.

What you could do in Birmingham

There are opportunities to shadow mission workers, join local ministry, engage in prayer walking and door-to-door visitation, help to teach English, etc. The team has regular fellowship meetings and an annual retreat.

What you could do in Leicester

Learn how an inner city church initially got involved with an immigrant community and serve alongside seasoned workers seeking to reach the community with the Good News. The team offer intensive induction sessions in October, but can be flexible for those starting at other times.