As a member of the missions’ and churches’ umbrella organisation, Global Connections, we are constantly working towards fulfilling the criteria outlined in the Global Connections Short Term Mission Commitment to Best Practice, as outlined below in BLACK. ReachAcross comment is given in RED.
The [Global Connections] Short-Term Mission Commitment to Best Practice Standards
To demonstrate compliance with the Global Connections Short-Term Mission Commitment to Best Practice (CtBP), the sender [ReachAcross(UK)] is asked to explain in their CtBP application and supporting information (i.e. website or printed publication) how they meet the following statements / standards:
Section 1: Aims and Objectives
To ensure:
- A biblically-based, long-term vision for all partners [All ReachAcross programmes and projects are in line with our mission and vision, which are based on Biblical mandates such as The Great Commission (Matt 28:19-20).]
- A purposeful project that has measurable goals [All our projects serve our mission and vision. While we will have goals for projects, we do not concentrate on metrics for such things as evangelism.]
- All short-term mission programmes have clear aims and objectives. [Yes.] These are realistic, measurable and reflect the long-term objectives of all the partners.
- The aims of all projects clearly reflect that this is distinctive Christian mission. [Yes.]
- The benefits to and responsibilities of all the partners are clearly identified and stated in the programme outlines / summaries. [These are outlined during pre-field orientation.]
- There is clear evidence of consultation between the senders and hosts in establishing the aims and objectives of all short-term programmes. [There will always be communication with a participant’s church about the intended short term mission. References, recommendation and endorsement of the mission trip will be sought.]
- Projects will be sensitive to, and developed around, the context and environment into which participants will be received. [Yes.]
- The participant is developed and discipled throughout their experience. [Yes.]
- Where a short-term mission programme is organised by a sender that is not the participant’s home church, appropriate support from the participant’s local Christian community is sought. [The support from the participants’ home churches ReachAcross seeks is mostly in terms of prayer for the participant and the mission trip, but may also include financial giving towards the individual participant’s costs, or a gift to ReachAcross towards the cost of the short term mission being undertaken. ReachAcross does not generally ask for funds from participant’s churches, but they are free to give if they feel led to do so.]
Section 2: Publicity & Selection
To ensure:
- Clear communication of aims and objectives [Yes.]
- Appropriate matching of people to projects [Yes.]
- Adequate briefing and equipping of all partners [Yes.]
- Publicity materials accurately describe the programmes without omission of what might be considered the ‘harsh reality’ of circumstances with the host, and are targeted appropriately, and used with integrity. [Yes.]
- All forms of communication with participants will clearly represent the ethos and vision of the sender, and will define the purpose of the programme in terms of service, discipleship and vocation. [Yes.]
- The application process is clearly communicated to the participant, and includes full disclosure of timescales, financial responsibilities and time commitments. [Yes.]
- The selection process is based on clearly defined selection criteria and all screening is transparent and reflects the nature of the programme being applied for. [Yes.]
- Placement decisions are clear and transparent, will be made with integrity, and will be communicated to all involved (including when changes are made). [Yes.]
- Those not selected, are given clear feedback on why their application was not approved and will be offered short-term pastoral support if needed. [If short-term pastoral support were needed due to non-selection, this would be sought from the participant’s home church, and would not be provided by ReachAcross.]
- The home church is involved in the selection process (as appropriate).[Yes, mainly through giving a reference and recommendation regarding the suitability of the participant.]
- There is clear evidence that all relevant preparatory information (between selection and formal orientation) is provided to the participant as early as possible. [Yes.]
Section 3: Orientation & Placements
To ensure:
- Adequate briefing and equipping of all partners
- Orientation prior to the project and induction at the start of the project is given to all participants. This should include all procedures outlined in 5(e); for example:
– Project brief, location and tasks – Structures and lines of accountability
– Biblical mandate
– Job descriptions
– Child and vulnerable adult safeguarding measures
– Health and safety, security and issues arising from the risk assessment
– Team dynamics and conflict resolution
– Finances, legal liability and insurance
– Cultural considerations
– Guidelines on behaviour and relationships
– Communication policy with home
– Expectations regarding debriefing [Yes to all of the above.]
- When a team is being placed, there are clear processes for the selection, screening, training, responsibilities and support for team leaders. This takes account of both the nature of the team and the type and location of the placement. [Yes.]
- Responsibilities of all partners regarding practicalities, job descriptions and supervision are made clear and agreed prior to placement. [Yes.]
Section 4: Legal Issues
To ensure:
- Diligent handling of all legal issues relating to short-term programmes
- Where participants are working with vulnerable groups including children, ‘fit person’ checks are made: Enhanced DBS checks or other regional equivalent. [Yes. All participants and ReachAcross leaders wil have the appropriate DBS checks prior to the start of the short-term mission trip.]
- Any participant under 18 years of age, is required to provide documented parental consent. [Yes.]
- Senders clearly define their lower age limit and who is responsible for underage participants. Specialist legal advice and insurance cover is sought for groups including participants under 18 years old. [Yes. Normally ReachAcross only accepts participants who will be 18+ at the commencement of the mission trip.]
- Waivers and disclaimers are not used, unless on the explicit direction of legal advice (details provided where applicable). [ReachAcross does require waivers at times, especially if a mission trip is to a relatively ‘non-secure’ environment, for example, where the FCO advises against travel. However, most of our short-term mission trips will be in secure contexts where the FCO has not indicated otherwise.]
- Compliance with the Package Travel Regulations, including promotional material, use of contracts / booking conditions and appropriate insurance cover is clearly demonstrated (if applicable). [N/A.]
- Requirements of the ATOL regulations are implemented, if organising flights. [Participants organise their own flights and travel insurance.]
Section 5: Field Management and Pastoral Care
To ensure
- Aims and objectives are met for all partners
- Care and development of the participant is provided for
- Systems and processes are in place to review task aims and objectives with participants, and to emphasise the ongoing responsibilities and expectations. [Yes.]
- Suitably skilled and experienced supervisors are in place to support participants and maintain clear lines of authority, supervision, communication, responsibility, and accountability. [Yes.]
- Pastoral care and support structures are established and implemented.[Yes.]
- Opportunities for personal and spiritual development of the participant are provided. [Yes.]
- Appropriate policies and procedures are established, communicated and implemented. These would include:
- Healthcare, medical contingencies, security and evacuation
- Identifying and managing risks
- Stress management and conflict resolution
- Misconduct, discipline, and grievances [Yes to all.]
Section 6: Post-assignment Support, Evaluation and Programme Development
To ensure:
- Participants are supported post-assignment
- Systems are in place to allow all partners to give feedback
- Feedback received is assessed without prejudice and used proactively to enhance future programmes [Yes.]
- Debriefing and support for the participant is seen as an integral part of the short-term programme and the process involves all partners. [Yes.]
- Post-assignment preparation, including placement appraisal, begins before the end of the project. [Yes.]
- Debriefing and support of team leaders is seen as an integral part of the short-term programme. [Yes.]
- Senders assist participants through post-assignment readjustment.[Yes, to the extent of debriefing and giving written guidance and resources.]
- Advice and guidance are offered to participants to find the next step in their Christian life following the programme. Where appropriate, this is done in liaison with the participant’s home church. [The short-term mission trips we are proposing are generally very short, and such guidance is best provided by a participant’s home church.]
- An evaluation of aims, responsibilities and procedures is undertaken, inviting comment from all partners. Culturally appropriate ways of providing feedback are sought from the host. [Yes.]
- The results of evaluations are communicated to relevant managers, for the improvement of future projects. [Yes.]
Section 7: Responding to the Challenges of Short-Term Mission in Today’s Culture and Climate Change
To ensure:
- The church or agency adopts a considered and responsible approach to climate change [Peoples’ eternal salvation is our paramount consideration.]
- Participants are encouraged to consider UK based programmes [While UK-based ReachAcross projects are available, ReachAcross would not ask participants to prioritise UK-based mission above overseas mission. ReachAcross aims to reach the least-reached and un-reached and these are mostly found overseas.]
- Overseas programmes focus on ‘listening and learning’, over and above ‘showing and doing’. [Our programmes are practical in nature and involve proclaiming and sharing the gospel. This may involve listening and learning, but also involves showing and doing.]
- The reason(s) for continuing to run overseas / international short-term mission programmes are clearly communicated in all promotional material. [Yes.]
- The sender can demonstrate balance in their short-term programmes between overseas and UK based. If UK based programmes are not currently offered, the sender is able to articulate why. [ReachAcross, as a mission agency, cannot show ‘balance’ between mission in the UK and overseas. This would imply that an equal amount of mission is done in the UK as is done overseas. Jesus clearly taught to go into all the world and preach the gospel, making disciples of all nations (peoples). We go to those who have never heard the gospel and the vast majority of those are overseas. Therefore, the majority of ReachAcross mission work will inevitably be overseas.]
- Where applicable, the sender is able to demonstrate an awareness of carbon off-setting, and can evidence the steps taken to offset international travel required as part of their programmes. [No, ReachAcross cannot evidence steps taken to offset international travel.]
- The sender can practically demonstrate that their programmes focus on ‘listening and learning’, over and above ‘showing and doing’. [As answered above.]