How do I decide what type of gift I should leave in my Will?
There are different types of gifts you can leave ReachAcross in your Will. Every gift will help us to share the Gospel with Muslims, to serve them in practical ways and to disciple them to follow Jesus.
Below are the types of gifts you can leave ReachAcross in your Will:
A share of your estate – For example, you could choose to leave a certain percentage of your estate to ReachAcross, (i.e, 30%) once all taxes and other payments have been made. This is known as a residuary gift.
A fixed sum – You might choose to leave a fixed amount of money to ReachAcross, which is often referred to as a pecuniary gift. For example, this could be £200, £2,000, £20,000 or more. If you choose this type of gift, it’s worth considering linking it to inflation. Without this it could mean the true value of this gift may be less than you intended.
A specific item – You may wish to leave a personal possession or specific investment. For example, this could include jewellery, an antique or shares.
Updating your existing Will
If you have already written a Will, and you want to add a gift to ReachAcross, you can do this by drafting a document called a Codicil. A Codicil is simply an addition, amendment or supplement to your existing Will.
We always recommend consulting a solicitor or legal professional when completing a codicil form to update your Will. Visit Remember A Charity for further advice.
Suggested wording for remembering ReachAcross in your Will:
I give <the sum of £______> and/or <(all/specify fraction/% share) of the residue of my estate> and/or <specific item> to ReachAcross, registered charity in England and Wales (1148692) of 6 Station Court, Station Approach, Borough Green, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 8BG, for its general charitable purposes absolutely. I declare that the receipt of the honorary treasurer or other proper officer of the said charity shall be a full and sufficient discharge to my executors.
If you choose to do so, we recommend that you ask a solicitor to provide suitable wording to index link your gift as well as making allowances for any future eventualities.