About Us

ReachAcross is a family of God’s people that shares the Gospel with Muslims and serves them in practical ways

Our vision and mission describe the task God has given us.

Our values speak of how we work together, maintain integrity, and engage with Muslims.

We seek to serve Muslims throughout the world: in the traditional heartlands of Islam, in the west, and wherever they may be found.

We are international and non-denominational. Our statement of faith highlights our core biblical beliefs.

ReachAcross is committed to bringing the word of God and his practical love to unreached Muslims, no matter how difficult or inaccessible that may be.

Our Vision and Mission

Our Vision

To see Muslims become devoted followers of Jesus Christ in self-sustaining and reproducing fellowships

Our Mission

We share the Gospel with Muslims

We serve them in practical ways

We disciple them to follow Jesus

Our Values

Our Values

Service: We aim to serve with excellence, respect, and humility – so that Jesus Christ is honoured in all we do.

Love: We are devoted to loving God, our fellow workers, and Muslims – to ensure that our motives for service are worthy.

Prayer: We make prayer a priority – that we may know God, and his guidance and enabling for service and ministry.

Teamwork: We commit to working in teams, to partnering with those who share our goals. We value the strength and creative synergy that mutual interdependence brings to any task.

Courage: We live and work under God’s direction, and are prepared to face tough challenges and fears in spite of possible failure, danger, intimidation or loss.

Integrity: We endeavour to be people of integrity, to build trust, and to have a compelling witness among Muslims.

Learning: We seek to be a ‘learning’ people, to understand ‘the times’, and encourage innovation.